Sql Server 2000 Personal Edition Free Download For Windows Xp

Posted Jul 2, 2004

  1. I had a customer ask me today if it was possible to download SQL Server 2000 x64. I am posting here so others can benefit from the answer. If you have an MSDN or Technet subscription you can download the ISO image of the CD/DVD’s. If you do not have either of these, you can get a 15% discount on purchasing the Technet subscription. Go to the TechNet Subscription Center and use the code.
  2. Sep 26, 2017 MSDE: Microsoft SQL Server Data Engine / Desktop Engine / Desktop Edition. MSDE 2000 is designed to run on Microsoft Windows 98, Windows Millennium Edition (Windows Me). Would like to download SQL Server 2000 Personal Edition. SQL Server 2008 Express Edition is a free, easy-to-use, lightweight, and embeddable version of SQL Server 2008.

By Don Schlichting

This article will explain what the Microsoft Desktop Engine is, as well as when and why touse it.

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services Evaluation Edition. Reporting Services is a comprehensive, server-based solution that can author, manage, and deliver both paper-oriented and interactive, Web–based reports.



Microsoft application developers have often been faced withthe decision of using a database engine they liked, versus an engine that wasaffordable to ship with the completed product. In many cases, the price pointwins, and the database standards are changed to accommodate the lower priceddatabase. However, with the release of the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 DesktopEngine (MSDE), a true transactional database server can be shipped royaltyfree. Think of MSDE as one more version of SQL Server. Now we have Developer, Enterprise, Standard and Desktop Engine versions. Each version has differentrequirements and features, but your database code can run unchanged on allversions.

Who Should Use MSDE?

The Microsoft Desktop Engine is targeted towards SQL Server developers,with low volume, or mobile applications. In the past, these applications mayhave been developed on MS Access or Dbase, because of the royalty free orinexpensive distribution rights offered. In some cases, a developer may havetwo versions of the same product. One full version developed on SQL Server,and another, light version on Access. Because all MSDE objects are the same astheir SQL Standard Server version counter parts, you can now have a lightversion, and full version, sharing identical database code.


MSDE offers many of the same features as SQL Server,including support for Replication, DTS, OSQL and BCP. And of course, probablythe most compelling benefit of MSDE, royalty - free distribution.

Requirements and Restrictions

There are a number of requirements to be met in order for DesktopEngine to be a good fit for your application.

1. Interface: The MSDE does not include any user interface. It works the same way as the other version SQL Server. Interaction with theDesktop Engine must be done through an application developed in Visual Studio,or some other similar development environment. There is no Access style GUI.

2. Management Tools: SQL Server tools are not shipped withthe MSDE. Enterprise Manager and Query Analyzer are not included. Any toolsmust be developed or obtained from a third party.

3. Redistribution: In order to redistribute MSDE, you must own aMicrosoft product that conveys the appropriate rights. This product listincludes SQL Server 2000, Visual Studio Dot Net, ASP.NET Web Matrix Tool,Microsoft Office XP Developer Edition or a subscription to MSDN. For acomplete list, see the Microsoft web page 'Rights to Use and RedistributeMSDE 2000' at http://www.microsoft.com/sql/msde/howtobuy/msderights.asp.

4. Operating Systems: Windows ME, XP, 98, 2000, 2003, and NTare valid operating systems to house the Desktop Engine. The complete list ofhardware and software requirements is located at http://www.microsoft.com/sql/msde/productinfo/sysreqs.asp.

5. Performance: MSDE is designed for low volumeapplications. There is a workload governor that will degrade performance ifthere are more than five concurrent batch workloads. As more workloads areadded, the system will continue to slow. For a complete discussion of theworkload governor, see http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/?url=/library/en-us/architec/8_ar_sa2_0ciq.asp?frame=true.


To get started with the Desktop Engine, download the databasefrom http://www.microsoft.com/sql/msde/downloads/download.asp. Next, download the service pack at http://www.microsoft.com/sql/downloads/2000/sp3.asp.


Unlike most Microsoft applications, you cannot double clickthe MSDE setup.exe file to install. Doing so will start the Windows Installer,but the install may error out and fail. Instead, change to a command prompt,and run setup with the appropriate switches. If you want MSDE to run in mixedmode, accepting both SQL and Windows security, then the switch 'SECURITYMODE=SQL'is required. When running in mixed mode, a blank sa password is not allowed,the switch 'SAPWD='AStrongPassword' must be included. Optionally, an instance name can be specified using INSTANCENAME='InstanceName.' If omitted, a default SQL instance is created. If MSDE should acceptconnections from other machines on the network, there is a switch for enablingor disabling network protocols. 'DISABLENETWORKPROTOCOLS=n', with avalue of either 1 for No, or 0 for yes. Default data and target directoriescan be specified using DATADIR='data_folder_path' and TARGETDIR='executable_folder_path'. A typical install may look like:

Service Pack

After the database installation completes, apply theMSDE service pack. The pack should be installed from the command line like thedatabase engine. If network protocols were disabled on the database install,enable them now to allow the service pack to install. Use the same DISABLENETWORKPROTOCOLS switch. In our case, we areupgrading an existing MSDE installation, so the switch '/upgradesp sqlrun'is required. We will also specify a login and password to be used for upgrade with'UPGRADEUSER' and 'UPGRADEPWD.' In this example, thecomplete command will be:

Sql server 2000 personal edition free download for windows xp service pack 3

Once control returns to thecommand prompt, reboot.

Sql Server 2000 Personal Edition Free Download For Windows Xp Professional

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Sql Server 2000 Personal Edition Free Download For Windows Xp Service Pack 3