Download NBME 19 block 1 with Answers Ebook PDF The United States Medical Licensing Examination Step 1 is a one-day computerized examination con- sisting of approximately 400 questions to test your knowledge in the basic sciences. NBME has taken great care to ensure that the Secure Browser functions properly. However, there is always a possibility that malfunctions may occur. By taking this web-based examination, you understand and agree that NBME disclaims liability for any damages or losses that may result from use of the Secure Browser or otherwise in connection with.
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- NBME 19 undepredicted by 4 points, 18 overpredicted by 18. The NBMEs are high-yield for content, it doesn't matter if they're predictive (UWSAs overestimate, but are more reliable in my opinion). The best thing you can do with your remaining time is take both and review thoroughly. Click to see full answer.
I just did nbme 19 offline, I was wondering how you can calculate your score using the amount.
it is the mechanism of action of nitroglycerin as it causes release of NO that acts via cGMP
Nbme 19 Offline
3- e
gonorrheal infection and other STDs do not require consent in minors so the physician should treat patient without notifying parents
contraception,pregnancy,drug abuse and emergencies do not require consent as well
4- c
dorsal white matter of the upper thoracic spinal cord has only dorsal column tract which carries proprioception and 2 points discrimination -discriminative sensation- (differentiate if one finger is touching you or two fingers at the same time)
pain and temperature are carried my lateral spinothalamic tract
and motor activity are carried by corticospinal tract
12- e
this patient has decreased bile absorption due to jejunoileal bypass as blie is absorbed from ileum,a decrease in bile absorption by turn will lead to decrease fat and fat soluble vitamins absorption (K,E,D,A) ,hence fecal fat is increased and fat soluble deficiency will develop
13- a
bcl-2 is antiapoptotic , so when overexpressed , it will decrease cell death
14- d
history of severe cramping pain in right flank that radiates to groin + pain not releived by position >>> stone
prophylaxis of stone formation is by drinking large amount of water in order not to let solutes concentrate and form stones
although calcium stones are the most common type kidney stones ,decreasing calcium in diet is not helpful as most cases of kidney stones occur in people with normal calcium level (normocalcemia & hypercalciuria) , and calcium absorption is regulated by vit d
15- d
Chancre: charachterized by mononuclear cell infiltrate dominated by plasma cells with scattered histiocytes; also obliterative endarteritis with thickened small vessels due to proliferation of endothelial cells and fibroblasts
Condyloma lata: resembles condyloma acuminatum, and charachterized by prominent epidermal hyperplasia, more edema, chronic inflammatory infiltrate, but less keratinization, minimal if any koilocytosis
Gummas: have caseous necrosis, chronic inflammatory cell infiltrate, obliterative endarteritis
Healed gummas: become noncontractile scars with arching fibrosis
CO poisoning is treated with 100% O2 + hyperbaric O2
17- b
it is a case of biliary atresia
in biliary atresia :
- failure to form or early destruction of extrahepatic biliary tree
- leads to biliary obstruction within first three months of life
- normal at birth and then destructed by immune mediated or viral induced
- presents with jaundice (conjugated bilirubin) and progress to cirrhosis
Nbme 19 Exam
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------18- c
the cardiac phonogram shows a holosystolyc murmur
the only choice which causes this finding is mitral regurgitation
19- c
vomiting associated with cancer chemotherapy is usually treated or prevented with ondansetron as first therapy
metochlopramide is commonly used in diabetic and postsurgery gastroparesis
20- f
The main function of ATll is vasoconstriction and constrict the efferent arteriole leading to increase GFR with compensatory water and Na reabsorption at the distal collecting tubules
The ACE inhibitor block the conversion of ATl to ATIl so it will block the main function which is the vasoconstriction of the efferent arterioles
21- d
this case describes xeroderma pigmentosa , in which there is defective nucleotide excision repair resulting in pyrimidine dimers that are formed due to exposure to UV rays
keep in mind that xeroderma pigmentosa can cause both basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma
22- e
by definition, in situ carcinoma means superficial to basement membrane
if it penetrated basement membrane and reached muscle layer,stroma or venules, it is called invasive carcinoma
certainly you know that metastatic carcinoma is not carcinoma in situ 😄
23- b
For the new born to be diagnosed with HIV, PCR is to be done for viral DNA
Antibodies like IgG can pass through placenta can't tell if baby was infected or just they were passed
So pcwp ( an indirect measure of LA pressure) goes up. This pressures back up to the lungs and causes increased diastolic pulmonary pressure and that also backs up to increase RA pressure.
The body sensing decreased blood supply to the tissues ( due to the tamponade effect and low BP) fires reflexly to increase heart rate and vasoconstricts to maintain BP. This explains the increased systemic vascular resistance.
Finally cardiac index is a ratio of cardiac output to body surface area = CO/ BSA. In this case, BSA does not change but due to hypotension, CO reduces. Therefore, the cardiac index also drops.
it is a new concept that you should know,but even if you do not know the answer ,you can answer correctly:
by exclusion,central thermoregulation is mediated by hypothalamus,skin graft and burns has no rule with this.
injured and inflammed skin may cause release of mediators that act as endogenous pyrogens but this would be acutely not continuous for years.
there is no large difference between normal skin and grafted or scar skin in sensitivity to heat or sunlight to the degreee that cause hyperthermia
27- e
it is very very very high yield to know everything about metformin as it is highly used nowadays
it inhibits hepatic gluconeogenesis ,it also lead to inhibition of mitochondrial isoform of glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase & complex 1 in electron transport chain in liver.
if you decided to know one single most important thing about metformin , it would be a side effect of LACTIC ACIDOSIS !!!!!!!!!!
28- e
rifampin inhibits DNA dependent RNA polymerase in prokaryotes (this enzyme makes all three types of RNA in prokaryotes unlike eukaryotes that have 3 types of RNA polymerase)
29- b
bilateral crackles on auscultation >> pulmonary edema >> left side heart failure (most commonly in USMLE)
S3 >> volume overload
pitting ankle edema >> right side heart failure
low blood pressure + peripheral cyanosis with these clues indicates systolic heart failure (diagnosis is supported by pre-eisting hypertension)
in systolic heart failure >> decrease cardiac output (CO)
right sided heart failure >> increased systemic venous pressure (SVP)
30- b
after circumflex artery angioplasty, blood will increase to regions supplied by it ,which will be left ventricle
NOTE that this patient has a right dominant heart circulation so posterior descending artery arise from right coronary artery, if it was left dominant or codominant,circumflex artery would share in supply of PDA and hence regions supplied by PDA
31- c
vegetarian for 12 years + macrocytic anemia + neurological manifestations >>> vit B 12 deficiency
32- f
6-week-old + projectile vomiting - vomitus free of bile >>> pyloric stenosis
you should know that pyloric stenosis is not present at birth but develops later (within 2 weeks)
congenital megacolon presents in first 2 days of life by failure to pass meconium
33- a
area postrema is found in medulla and is responsible of vomiting
note that it is one of areas that are not protected by blood brain barrier so it is easily stimulated to produce vomiting by different toxins circulating in the blood.
it is also the target of some antiemetic drugs
34- d
question stem describes manifestations of parkinsonism disease
in parkinsonism: the lesion is in substantia nigra which is found in midbrain as indicated by the arrow
35- e
tubular absorption is mostly by active transport using ATP , so high amount of oxygen is used (especially proximal convoluted tubules and thick ascending limb of loop of henle)
while glomerular filtration is a passive process
36- c
ORS, Oral rehydration solution also contains glucose. This provides energy and helps the sodium–glucose cotransporter protein, which absorbs sodium into the cell much better if glucose is also present. The glucose in the oral rehydration solution ensures that the protein will bring as much sodium as possible into the cell. Bringing more sodium into the cell reduces its water potential, causing water to re-enter the cell from the lumen by osmosis.
Nbme 19 Score
meningioma progresses slowly - during 1 year only focal signs not exacerbating,
most common type of astrocytoma is glioblastoma multiforme and the characteristic lesion is pseudopalisading necrosis (not mentioned in vignette)
Generally, people with glioblastoma die within 1 year
remember that... the hallmark of meningioma is its relation to a meningeal surface hence relation to sulcus
incidence should also increase as the no. of new cases that will come are said positive if more than 5mm, earlier the limit was 10 mm. so comparatively no. of cases will increase compared to previous data
you should know that:
prevalence = incidence * duration
so when incidence increases,prevalence also increases
Nbme 19 Chlamydia Trachomatis
Nbme 19 50%
inheritance of HLA is like blood groups but no dominant effect like (A /B )
so a parent may have HLA-dr ( lets call it A) and HLA-dr2 (B) . other parent have HLA-dq4 (C) HLA-dq5(D )
so inheritance would be A B * C D
each one of the 4 results would be different . so it is 1/4 chance of being the same
Nbme 19 Answers
Nbme 19 Difficulty
And the internal urethral sphincter is innervated by parasympathetic (pelvic splanchnic)
Step 1, 2 CK and 3 - Temporary expansion of USMLE testing at medical schools was completed on Sept. 10, 2020. While there are no additional testing events at medical schools planned at this time, the USMLE program will continue to evaluate how the COVID-19 pandemic evolves and impacts the safety of and opportunities for testing.
Updated information on Prometric's COVID-19 response can be found here. Prometric's safety procedures can be found here.
Step 2 CS - The Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) and NBME, co-sponsors of the United States Medical Licensing Examination® (USMLE®), have discontinued work to relaunch a modified Step 2 Clinical Skills examination (Step 2 CS). The full announcement can be found here.