Washing Meth With Acetone


Completely dissolve the powder in acetone, rubbing alcohol or high proof whiskey (anything other than Everclear will leave a taste). The washing soda will be left behind, and at this point your goodies are dissolved in the acetone or whatever solvent you used here. Collect the liquid, being careful to leave the washing soda powder behind. Washing Meth With Acetone. 1dff872cbc Ayitha Ezhuthu 720p Torrent Download Hum Paanch Ek Team South Movie Dubbed In Hindi Full Movie justified season 2 complete 720p web-dl Ittefaq Movie Free Download 720p Movies Histopathological Techniques Bruce Gregorios Pdf Download The Dreaming Void Epub Download 18.

Acetone Wash Meth

ContentsInside the pipe will prob glowRunny nose andMicrobiology and immunologyStudent talking about “bathAbout early life. Lalaine vergara-paras wasJul 18, 2006 I've had a couple of clients independently tell me about a new kind of methamphetamine. I'd never heard of it before, and it didn't make sense. Highly stable, simple to collect, and easy to ship. What you’re left with after an acetone wash will be a product that powders very easily and is notably more pure.) It’s very simple; basically the nasty active cuts are soluble in acetone whereas amphetamines, cocaine and meth are not.

Quite a few people have been asking about washing meth, so here’s one of the easiest (IMHO) ways to go about it. You can get everything over-the-counter… except the meth You can also do it using a coffee filter, but I’ve found that yields suffer due to meth getting caught in the filter.
Acetone will remove MOST impurities, but some will get through. Unfortunately, glucose (or sugar) is one of the ones that it won’t remove. So if you know that it has glucose in it, don’t bother… if you really want to clean it you must A/B. (freebase it then convert it back to its salt form)
If you want to wash your meth really well, then ideally, you’ll need to recrystalise it as well. The slower the crystals form, the larger they will be. As a bonus, the impurities usually grow on the outside of the meth crystal. The reason this is good is if you have a large crystal with the crap on the outside, when the acetone is added it will dissolve the impurities and wont have as great a chance to dissolve your meth. (Lots of small crystals means larger surface area, which means larger chance of the acetone dissolving the meth… especially if the acetone isn’t really dry.
Drying Acetone
You’ll Need:
Epsom salts
Filter paper (coffee filters work fine)
Most acetone that you’ll buy will be dry enough to use for washing. Though the older it is the greater the chance it has absorbed moisture from the air.
Put some of the Epsom salts on a tray in the oven for an hour or so on at least 130 degrees Centigrade. (This is to dry any moisture out of them)
Pour the Epsom salts into the acetone and mix them around.
Filter the acetone through the filter paper.
Ideally, use the acetone soon, to avoid it re-absorbing more moisture.
Acetone Wash
You’ll Need:
Acetone (really cold, to avoid losses)
Bowl (ideally glass, shallow & with straight sides. Not too wide either, 4inch[10cm] is a good size)
Knife (a pointed steak knife works well)
[*]Put the Meth in bowl.[*]Add the cold acetone. You want enough that it can dissolve all the impurities, but the acetone potentially contains water, which means lost meth. (The water dissolves the meth) 30-50mL is usually enough for ½-1gram. You’ll obviously need more if your bowl has a larger surface area.[*]Swish the bowl around and then use the knife to break up any larger bits of impurities.[*]The less time the meth sits in the acetone, the less chance it will have of getting dissolved. So try to do it quickly, but don’t hurry and fuck it up. A minute or so will be fine.[*]Tip the bowl onto an angle and swish it around so that all of the meth is together in a corner.[*]Let it settle out for a short while, then SLOWLY tip the bowl around so that the meth stays in the corner and the acetone drains off and is now on the other side of the bowl.[*]The acetone can be poured off or you can leave the bowl propped up on an angle and let it evaporate. A small amount of meth will be in the acetone. You can pour it off into another bowl and then do more acetone washes on it if you want. [But also remember; use the minimum number of bowls, etc as each one will contribute to the mechanical loss. If you pour it off into a second bowl and do another wash, do the next pour off into the first bowl. (After the clean meth has been removed)][*]Let the meth dry out completely. Just let it sit there, or put it in the sun for a while.[*]It should now be relatively clean. More acetone washes can be performed if it still looks to be dirty. Ideally, you should recrystalise the meth in between acetone washes (and even before the first wash)
Clean meth is a white-ish/cloudy crystal that will give off white vapour when heated, and will leave only the smallest residue after it is all vaporized.
[Note: heat it -> it melts at around 120 degrees Celsius.. don’t fry it or let the flame come in contact with it.]
You’ll Need:
Bowl (same as the one above)
Ethanol (Methylated Spirits works fine)
Knife (or a metal skewer or similar to help break up those stubborn bits)
[Note: the larger the surface area of the bowl, the more mechanical loss you will have. Any part of the bowl that the Methylated Spirits comes in contact with will be left with a tiny amount of meth once it evaporates. Therefore if you tried to do ½ gram on something the size of a baking tray, you will get a shit yield.]
[*]Put the meth in the bowl.[*]Heat a small amount of Methylated Spirits (a glass in the microwave works, just don’t put it on for too long)[*]Meth is quite soluble in Methylated Spirits, so you want to use as little as possible. Using more isn’t bad; it just takes longer to evaporate. 20-30mL for ½ gram should do.[*]Swish it around and then use the knife to help break up any bits that won’t dissolve.[*]Some of the impurities will dissolve, some wont. If you’re unsure, add a tiny bit more Methylated Spirits and see if any more dissolves. If not then it’s probably an impurity.[*]If there are undissolved impurities, tip the bowl onto an angle and swish it around so that all the impurities are together in a corner.[*]Let it settle out for a while, then SLOWLY tip the bowl around so that the crap stays where it is and the Methylated Spirits drains off it and is now on the other side of the bowl.[*]Scrape the crap out of the bowl.[*]Next, let it evaporate… the slower the better, as this will form larger crystals. Just leave it on the bench, or out in the sun. Just be sure to let it stay still, as moving it about will damage the growing process and they wont end up as big.[*]Make sure it is 100% dry, because if you do an acetone wash while it is wet, then the meth that is still dissolved in the Methylated Spirits will dissolve in the acetone.
Happy Washing.

Jul 18, 2006 · I’ve had a couple of clients independently tell me about a new kind of methamphetamine. I’d never heard of it before, and it didn’t make sense.

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How To Wash Methamphetamine With Acetone Find more on: https://detoxnear.me/

from DetoxNear.me – Feed https://www.detoxnear.me/how-to-wash-methamphetamine-with-acetone-2/



sekio edit: Without lab testing, you as a layman can only guess at purity and composition of substances. Reagent color change tests can help to identify pure substances, but are unhelpful at identifying mixtures. Judging purity by weighing what you get out of a wash doesn’t work, either – there’s no guarantee that the residue is amphetamine. Bioassay (“tasting it”) isn’t of any use because of the number of drugs that can look and act similarly to amphetamines. Acetone and other solvent washes are meant to remove certain cuts you know have been added, not to purify or isolate amphetamine out of a mystery mix. (For purification of amphetamine out of mystery mixtures, acid/base extraction is the gold standard.) You can send drugs – pills, powders, or pastes to DanceSafe (http://www.pillreports.com/) or Energy Control (http://energycontrol.org/) if you want professional GCMS testing. It’s anonymous and worth the money.

Acetone and other solvents are flammable and should never be used around sparks or open flames (refrigerators, freezers, electric motors, furnaces). The vapours are volatile and can flash back to the container and cause a boiling liquid expanding vapour explosion. Always work with acetone in a well ventilated area, have something to clean up spills like vermiculite or cat litter (or paper towels or sawdust or something else absorbent) and wet it with cold water. Remember acetone will eat many plastics, paints, and varnishes.

Hey, I figured I would write down this simple guide to acetone washing as there doesn’t seem to be too much information about it on the forums and it definitely has an added HR value. This method works for cocaine hcl, amphetamine sulphate and methamphetamine.

First let’s get this common misconception out of the way. Amphetamine paste = Amphetamine sulphate =/= Amphetamine base. Another common slang is ‘eurospeed’. The base is an oily liquid that evaporates at room temp and is therefore extremely rare. Most people won’t ever come accross real amphetamine base unless they turn the sulphate into base themselves. Sulphate, or the common amphetamine ‘paste’ is not smokable (which real amphetamine base is). The paste is wet simply because it has remainders of solvents used in production, or added by dealers to add weight. Usually acetone and/or methanol, so it’s wise to let your amps dry before using them, even if you’re not cleaning your amphetamines, as both of those are very detrimental to the body. You can easily dry amphetamine sulphate ‘paste’ by smearing out the wanted amount on a DVD case (or whatever you have available), waiting 5 minutes and then scraping it together, or if you’re more patient just leave the open baggy on the heater and all the solvents will evaporate until you’re left with dry amphetamine sulphate.

Amphetamine sulphate, as well as cocaine are often cut with caffeine and other nasty active ingredients. When you’re 100% certain of your source (doubtful in most cases) or can have it tested in a lab (I’m thinking Netherlands, Belgium) you will have no use for this method, but if you’re buying and using it and do not have that certainty: there’s this easy way to clean your amphetamines and remove most of those active cuts. (A good indication for caffeine in amphetamines/cocaine is that it won’t chop to powder easily; but rather clump together and be a little sticky. What you’re left with after an acetone wash will be a product that powders very easily and is notably more pure.) It’s very simple; basically the nasty active cuts are soluble in acetone whereas amphetamines, cocaine and meth are not. A LOT of the cuts will be taken out by this method; but if it’s cut with anything that is insoluble in acetone, that cut will of course be left behind.


Amphetamine sulphate (duh)
this is what it looks like, straight from my dealer, uncleaned and in its ‘paste’ form. (aka, a little wet with nasty solvents…)
Pure acetone.
Why pure? If it’s not pure, it’s likely to contain other solvents that will dissolve amphetamines, thus making a wash impossible. It’s not hard to find; I get mine at the hardware store across the street
a dish This can be a simple plate with some depth, as can be seen in the second pic of the first item on the list, but there are probably better alternatives. Use your imagination.)
A syringe and a Q-tip.10ml is best, or even bigger is better if you’re using a needle. On the pic below it’s a 5ml I believe.
(Needle optional, but it does facilitate the process. The gauge used in the pic is about right, smaller is fine too but if it’s too thin it’ll take more time.)
Alternatively you could use a coffeefilter, I advise against this as more amphetamines gets left behind in the filter this way.


Cut open the baggy, remove the amphetamines, place on tray/plate.http://puu.sh/9fhag/e499a5567f.jpg
Pour acetone over the amphetamines until it is well covered with acetone. If you need a ml amount; 10-15ml per gram is plenty. You can use as much as is convenient, just try to make it so you’re not wasting too much acetone. Make sure the edge of your tray/dish is high enough so you can still stir it without spilling anything.
Stir, make sure all the amphetamines are spread out and that there’s no “lumps” left. The solution in your plate will be cloudy.
Give it a minute to settle.
Now take your syringe, and using the qtip as a filter, draw up the acetone with your syringe. Depending on the size of your syringe this can take a few times but shouldn’t be too hard.I didn’t use a needle in this wash. The settled amphetamines can be clumpy like in the picture as long as it was properly stirred.
When you’ve drawn up all of the acetone that you used in the plate, and squirted it all in a container you’ll be left with a pretty wet white paste, scrape this together.http://puu.sh/9qfzL/9c707c002d.jpg
Wait about 10-15mins for it to dry. Acetone is very volatile so it wil dissipate in no time. The amphetamines you’ll be left with will be much, much purer, and cleaner in effects. They will also be more ‘rocky’ instead of sticky (if there was caffeine in them), and will chop up to powder a lot faster and easier.10 minutes after scraping the amphetamines together, this was the result:

See any mistakes? Feel free to respond if something is unclear or if you see anything wrong with this post.

Neat – has any one dared to freebase & smoke (the liquid) I think dissolving freebase if caffeine or such might be the stuff called ‘base’.


Does anyone know the safety of putting acetone through standard plastic syringes? It seams like it would leach some chemicals from the plastic?
Just a thought


Food grade PETE, HDPE, LDPE, FET/PTFE/Teflon, or polypropylene, like many oral syringes are made of, should be OK and have no extractables. Metals are OK but acetone will remove any grease, oil or pant on them. Most chemical bottles are glass, HDPE, or FET/PTFE and should be fine, although cap liners are sometimes polystyrene.

Natural rubber, polycarbonate, acrylic, or polystyrene will all dissolve in acetone. Vinyl (like electrical tape) or the adhesive on labels will dissolve too.

Look up a material compatibility chart on google for more.


I just glanced over this and will check it out in detail later, but PLEASE put it in large red bold letters about the safety measures and precautionary protective gear that one must use and be aware of when handling, transporting, using, storing, opening, etc, such a volatile Ketone.

I only mess with anhydrous acetone and seriously, people cannot disregard how explosive and volatile it is.

I would add links to the MSDS of every chemical that in and of itself is an HR risk if not properly respected and researched prior to going out and buying and using relevant compounds. I’d do it myself but I gotta run right now, but otherwise looks good, good job P2C 🙂

Lots of chemicals say that they are flammable or to not use around open flame etc, but a lot of the time it’s written for legal liability issues for the MFC, and I assure anyone reading this, that you need to be SERIOUSLY thinking about static discharge, pilot lights, ANYTHING that could cause the more-than-5-times-as-explosive-as-gasoline compound that is Acetone. Respect the solvent and you should be okay, but of all the things to be safer vs sorry, this is not one of the one’s anyone should think “meh, it’ll be fine, it’s not stuffy in here so I don’t need to worry about the ventillation of this enclosed area.” Disregarding the safety precautions associated with anhydrous compounds like acetone is SUICIDAL and like I said, just to be safe, treating it like it’s Plutonium is a good idea even though it’s an exaggeration, I’m factoring in here that both methamphetamine and cocaine tend to make people delusional in a minor to severe way that even minor feelings of “yeah thats not gunna happen to me, I’ll just be careful, but wear a respirator? I don’t have asthma it’ll be fine.” etc.

Stimulants make you feel more invincible than you are, and since it’s stimulant users who will be using this, it’s important to me to be so explicitly clear that under the influence, you are not a good judge of your own character, so you may unknowingly decide not to do something meant to reduce the risk of making lethal mistakes that a sober and sane person wouldn’t make.


Acetone is flammable, but not ultra explosive-flammable, like things like ether, propane, acetylene, hydrogen, MAPP or butane – gases or liquids with very high vapour pressure. The boranes, carbon disulfide and diazomethane are probably the kings of bad news but they are only ever used in specific industrial processes.

Just keep it away from open flames, and sources of ignition, and you’ll be fine.

Acetone is also pretty much nontoxic. Your body makes it from fat molecules when they are metabolized. Just keep it out of any warm wet places like eyes and don’t intentionally consume any more than about 5ml in a day. (Some people use it as a solvent for things like salvia tinctures because it dissolves salvinorin better than alcohol) Work with it in a well ventilated area or outside, the vapour can irritate your lungs in large amounts.


this is a good method because it doesn’t require filtration. i don’t recommend percolating washes because there is a tendency to acquire fibers from the filter you are using that get into the product you want clean.

hardware store acetone is not going to be anhydrous and probably nowhere near dry enough to do this without wasting some product. you can dry your acetone with stuff like anhydrous epsom salt and other dessicates, although they might deposit in the material you are trying to purify. if your amphetamine still looks or feels wet when there is no more acetone smell, or if you see liquid left in your glass jar where you dumped the acetone but there’s no smell coming off it then your acetone has water in it. save that jar for when you run out of speed and don’t mind smoking your acetone wash for whatever the water took out of your stash during rinsing.

i wouldn’t worry about fire during any of this unless you can’t go five minutes without lighting up a cigarette. i’ve done this like fifty times in spaces lacking even an open window and i never had anything to worry about. it’s no more dangerous than building a model airplane.


So ….


So…. I have
Mouse over image to zoom


Acetone 16 oz (~500 mL) 99.9+% pure
could I do it in beakers and filter with Filter Paper Qualitative Medium 18cm (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0019ZGTSC/ref=oh_details_o05_s01_i01?ie=UTF8&psc=1)????


If after acetone is used as stated, the outcome is a tanish orange substance with small orange crystals? What are the possibilities this is?


Hi sekio,
How about ammonia, I know people use it with coke , to be able to smoke it. If the speed is cleaned, can you smoke it then too?


Hi sekio,
How about ammonia, I know people use it with coke , to be able to smoke it. If the speed is cleaned, can you smoke it then too?


Sounds valid. I’m getting ready to try


If you mix your amphetamine with ammonia you’ll freebase it and get an oily, shit-smelling, corrosive liquid.

The free base of amphetamine is not a drug of commerce. People smoking speed usually do it with the HCl salt.

If after acetone is used as stated, the outcome is a tanish orange substance with small orange crystals? What are the possibilities this is?

We don’t allow substance ID. It could be damn near anything.


What if you use denature alcohol or vodka?


would this work on 3,4-CTMP HCI, dichlorolmethyphenidate ? for injection ?


About the discussion about the materials, the materials the syringe are made are actually irrelevant no? I mean, isn’t the acetone you are taking with the syringe going to be discarded, and the product eventually consumed the undissolved amphetamine left in the plate?
Or am I misunderstanding and the amphetamine is actually going to dissolve in acetone and be extracted this way so its not a wash?


Very helpful information!! Thanks. (:


About the discussion about the materials, the materials the syringe are made are actually irrelevant no? I mean, isn’t the acetone you are taking with the syringe going to be discarded, and the product eventually consumed the undissolved amphetamine left in the plate?
Or am I misunderstanding and the amphetamine is actually going to dissolve in acetone and be extracted this way so its not a wash?
Precisely. 🙂


personnaly i would rather use distillation rather than a simple acetone wash, it’s no more complicated and the product will be probably more than 90+% pure


cool read.. 😀


Glad someone bumped this – brilliant thread.

P2C would you mind if I used this over in EADD?
It’s 10x better than I could come up with so… 🙂



Would this method remove glucose powder from base amphetamine?


I assume when you say “pure”acetone that means not from the hardware store, how can you tell the difference?


would something like this work
it says 100% pure, yet the second ingredient is denatonium benzoate. would this end up messing up the gear? or i can use it same as described in the above steps


would something like this work
it says 100% pure, yet the second ingredient is denatonium benzoate. would this end up messing up the gear? or i can use it same as described in the above steps
well take a little bit of your gear and try it but i wouldnt be suprised if it doesnt work

Washing Meth With Acetone


Washing Methamphetamine With Acetone

figures :/